+91 7704033027 +91 522 2732020

Attendant & Visitor Guidelines

In keeping with our promise to provide you the best medical treatment and comfortable stay at PUH, we have designed a well-thought-out ‘Attendant & Visitor Policy’. While designing this policy, we have paid extra attention to your safe recovery and the valuable role that your friends and family play in the process

  1. One attendant is a must for every patient
  2. At a time,
    • In Semi Deluxe, General & BPL wards : During the day & night only one attendant will be allowed for each patient.
    • In Super Deluxe, Deluxe, and Family Room : During the day maximum 2 attendants will be allowed for each patient and during the night only one attendant will be allowed for each patient.
  3. One attendant pass will be issued at the time of admission for Semi Deluxe, General & BPL wards
  4. Two attendant passes will be issued at the time of admission for Super Deluxe, Deluxe, and Family Room
  5. If another person needs to come in as attendant, he/she can only do so when the previous attendant leaves and hands over the pass to him/her
  6. The attendant will have to show his/her ID proof, if asked by hospital authority
  • The visiting hours for all patients are:
    • Morning : 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
    • Evening : 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  • Each patient in the ward area will be allowed only two visitors (in addition to the attendant) at any given point of time during the visiting hours
  • Only one pre-identified attendant, no outside visitor, will be allowed to visit the patient in the ICU during the above mentioned visiting hours or if the doctor calls the attendant to the ICU
  • Temperature of all attendants and visitors will be measured before entering the in-patient area
  • Please wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after visiting patients in the hospital
  • Please wear a mask properly at all times within the hospital premises
  • Please don’t visit patients if you have any infectious ailment (fever, cough or cold etc) or their symptoms
  • Children are strictly prohibited from entering the ICUs
  • No photography or video/audio recording is allowed within the hospital premises without prior permission from the hospital administration. Precision Urology Hospital reserves the right to request for such recordings to be deleted
  • Do Not Tip: As a service Organization, we wish to extend every courtesy to all our patients. All of our employees have been instructed not to accept any tip in kind or cash. Please report to us if anyone asks you for tips
  • No Smoking/No Tobacco/No Alcohol: The hospital is a No Smoking & No Tobacco Zone. Smoking or Consumption of Tobacco and Alcohol are Strictly Prohibited.
  • Visitors are not allowed to have meals in the ward or private rooms. They can have their meals in cafeteria
  • Visitors with any kind of weapon are prohibited from entering the hospital premises


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