Every year, lives are lost because of the spread of infections in hospitals. Infections lead to overstay of patients which causes financial, psychological and physical stress. PUH management is always cautious about the wellness of its patients and staff. In this context, we regularly take care of our staff by yearly health checks, immunization against Hep B, TDAP, Covid and Typhoid vaccination for kitchen staff. For patients, we have provisions to prevent infections at each process and area. We have an organized team to oversee overall infection prevention and control.
At Precision Urology Hospital, we strictly observe the following commandments for infection prevention:
Ascertain that the basic infection prevention practices applicable to patient care are adhered to within the hospital premises
Follow the 5 steps and 5 moments principle while washing hands
Follow the 5 steps and 5 moments principle while washing hands
Conduct a coordinated program to facilitate the appropriate use of antimicrobial agents
Ensure regular surveillance of hospital acquired infections by Infection Control Nurse
Implement appropriate engineering controls and undertake frequent environment cleaning surveillance
Implement appropriate engineering controls and undertake frequent environment cleaning surveillance
Provide for proper management of infectious, hazardous, radioactive, and general waste
Follow proper practices for cleaning, disinfection, and sterilisation of medical devices and equipment