“Precision” means “the quality of being clear or exact”. In the field of scientific research this term is also used to measure the degree of reproducibility. Processes or systems which consistently yield similar results every time they are carried out are said to have high precision.
Biology in general, and human physiology in particular, are non-linear, real world sciences where an effect may have multiple causes and a cause may have multiple effects. Furthermore, there is Evolution - subtly but surely altering the narrative.
To deliver consistent reproducible results, practitioners of such sciences must have an exhaustive knowledge of a plethora of factors, their myriad consequences & complex interplays, and an insight into the evolutionary process. They must also possess a commitment to set high standards and at the same time have the tenacity to continuously adhere to principles which help achieve those standards. When all this is in meticulous coordination, the result is Precision.
Where there is Precision, there is Reliability, and where there is Reliability there is Trust.
Urology is one such science and we are such practitioners of the science.
That is why we are Precision Urology.