Dr Gyvi Gaurav, Consultant Urologist and Head of Uro-oncology at Precision Urology Hospital, was invited as faculty at USI-Urolithiasis Mid Term CME on Supine PCNL & ECIRS, hostedby Asian Institute of Nephrology & Urology (Chennai) on 10th December 2023. His talk on SBES (Simultaneous Bilateral Endoscopic Surgery) highlighted the unique advantage of continuous access to lower tract that the supine position offers. Recently, this advantage has been further exploited to access both the kidneys at the same time. He said, “When faced with two stones in different locations in both kidneys, a team of two surgeons can treat both the stones simultaneously, rather than first treat one side followed by the other a few days later, as was the norm earlier.”
Data was shared from Precision Urology Hospital where the team led by Dr Shashi Kant Mishra, Dr Avneet Gupta, DrAditya Sengar and Dr Gyvi Gaurav have been performing simultaneous bilateral stone surgeries in various combinations regularly for the past few years. Dr Gaurav explained that efficacy and safety is well demonstrated and the process offers the best chance to the patient of avoiding a second visit to the operating theatre.